Case Study - FoodHub Wiki

Issue: The NSW Food Industry Training Council (NSWFITC) was concerned about the lack of resources available to support workforce development in the Food Industry, which is vital to Australia in terms of profitability, investment, exports and jobs growth.

Solution: Redlaunch designed FoodHub as a collaborative, free repository of high quality industry-specific information and learning resources. The wiki vision is that collective wisdom will enable FoodHub to become a valuable tool for all workplace supervisors and vocational trainers and assessors across the food industry.

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Object Repository

Your Redlaunch repository will be available to your users anywhere, anytime. It will support the timed storage, searching, retrieval, import/export transactions, event logging, auditing, reporting and archiving of any business/learning object or digital resource (video, image, audio file).

We can integrate your repository with a content and/or learning management system and incorporate automatic metadata indexing, to offer your (internal and external) users the opportunity to perform any CMS/LMS task on any object within any personally configured workflow (eg, re-purpose, reuse, edit in collaboration, distribute, sell etc).

Authors can choose to place their objects in the repository for general or restricted use. For instance, you may determine that only certain users (eg, staff, registered members) may access designated objects. A copy of an object stored in the repository may be transferred to your eStore for commercial or free transactions.

Your users will also be able to find and import objects (either compliant or non-compliant) from external third-party repositories to your repository for flexible reuse. Version control for quality management and usage statistics for copyright and other purposes, will be recorded and reported.

Given the number of metadata standards and taxonomies in practice, your repository’s sophisticated metadata schema can cater for Australian and international standards, as well as your own customised taxonomy.

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eLearning Solutions.

Vodcast Studio


Redlaunch is blazing the trail in education by producing and hosting audio and video podcasts (vodcasts) at our Redlaunch Distribution Centre for viewing on computer, video mp3 player, 3G mobile phone or DVD player.

Object Repository


Your Redlaunch repository will support the timed storage, searching, retrieval, import/export transactions, event logging, auditing, reporting and archiving of any business/learning object or digital resource.

Object Repository.